Our mission doesn't end with the studio- we actively help other businesses, non-profits and other organizatrions that aspire to be more inclusive.
Through our sister organization, Creative Abundance Consulting, we help organizations through on-site technical assistance, training, staff development, and consultation services. We have developed authentic, and supportive programming that respects individual interests and creates environments for staff and administrators to be inventive and responsive. People are celebrated for who they are and receive services that anticipate limitless potential in discovering and expanding individual talents, interests, employment options, and community involvement.

Some of what we offer:
We transform traditional sheltered workshops and adult day programs into community-centric programming. We believe that everything you need to make this change already exists: abundance and creativity. We respond to the unique interests and talents within your organization.
The consulting team are artists and social entrepreneurs who are ready to help you advance your arts programming to the next level. We have worked in adult day programs, sheltered workshops, senior centers, programs for women experiencing domestic violence, and mental health centers.
We discuss current challenges, such as providing community-integrated services, and share our innovative approach and key takeaways from using The Creative Abundance ModelTM to transform spaces just like yours!